Another extra new MOBO without waranty...
Symptoms: No Vcore. RAM, South, North voltages -ok!
There is 4/3/2/1 - Phase PWM Controller RT8855
I tried to find it`s datasheet on richtek website but it dosn`t exist (on all other datasheet locations too).
Does anyone have that datasheet?

Other theme with RT8855:). May be tracking schematic and compare with known PWM?

Аватар пользователя Jega

OK, I found another RT8855. I changed him and look:) Vcore exatly where I wanted him:)
Here what I found about RT8855 what could help another users:
Leg 32 - lower mosfets gate
Leg 33 - uper mosfets sorce
Leg 34 - Uper mosfets gate

VID0 | Leg 41
VID1 | Leg 42
VID2 | Leg 43
VID3 | Leg 44
VID4 | Leg 45

Leg 32 - lo mosfets gate
Leg 33 - uper mosfets sorce
Leg 34 - Uper mosfets gate
This is one phase:).
Thank you for tracking RT8855 schematic.

Big thanks:).

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