I whant to build my own POST card since I have a lot of expirience in making hand made electronic projects.
Most simple is to copy shematics from EPOX MOBOs who have built-in POST indicator. So, I took MOBO EP-8KTA3 and found very simple design:
Signal taken from EPROM DQ0-DQ7 is going on IN-s 2x GAL16V8 circuits.From they outputs signal is going to LED displays.
My questions are:
1) Where is Clock pin on GAL16V8 connected? I tracked it on MOBO, but it`s somewhere on south bridge.
2) From what connectors on PCI slot is taken signal to meke POST codes?

Is this kind of project can be made at all? Any expiriences?

So, I took MOBO EP-8KTA3 and found very simple design
If i'm not wrong, then it mobo have internal ISA POST card:).
But design isn't very simple:). GAL16V8 - PAL (Programmable Array Logic). You must have file, that describes block connections in PAL.

If you want to build PCI POST card, then read this:
На сайте автора этого устройства - Владимира Мисячного хранится разводка (300 Кб) платы, выполненной на чипе Altera EPM3064-ATC100. В этом же файле находится и прошивка для указанного чипа.
This is simple PCI POST card.

Аватар пользователя Jega

Thank you;) There is a lot to read. I`ll need few weeks to buil it (considering my free time on work:).
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