Hi all! Please excuse my english. I am an spanish speaker and my russian would be much worse (none at all) (
I have an Elitegroup P6KFX-A motherboard. It is a slot 1 motherboard with a 440FX chipset and an Award 4.51 BIOS
The manual says it will use a PII Klamath CPU and nothing more.
I patched it with BIOS patcher 4.1 and tested it with a PII Deschutes CPU. It worked well except that the bios did not recognize the cache, so the speed was too low.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Thank you very much.
Enrique Baraibar
Enrique Baraibar
Try version 4.23...
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Don't worry, your English is good enough. And it can be understood much easier than computer translations to Russian, used by some people
Well, first of all, you can try version 4.23 of patcher. You will need these files also:
You can try even v6 alpha 10 - but only if you have an opportunity to reflash BIOS somewhere else in case of errors. Just because it is completely rewritten alpha version and it is not giving stable results everywhere.
Also, it will be a good idea to post here the patching log.
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Well, I tried version 4.23 but it didn't work
The BIOS keep saying 0K cache when the processor is a Deschutes.
I really don't dare to try an alpha version: I did it with 4.5 and had to swap the BIOS with the power on (I have twin boards so I can interchange BIOS between them). It worked well, but once is enough
At this point I am not sure if this problem can be corrected with Bios patcher, outstanding as it is. Perhaps it is too much to expect from the old 440FX chipset.
Anyway, thank you for your prompt replies; you guys are indeed a fine bunch 8).
Enrique Baraibar
The 4.51 beta is not a generic patcher like 4.23 or future 6.xx series. It was made exclusively for making mobile AMD CPUs running on desktop boards. That's why it is not recommended in any other case.
By the way - what BIOS version you tried to patch?
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Award version 4.51PG
The manufacturer (Elitegroup) identifies it as P6KFX-A board BIOS version 2.2
Hmm, yes, 2.2 is the latest version for that mobo I've found... Try Intel's utility named pupdt.exe - maybe it'll help you.
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Try add microcodes for Deshutes core (CPUID 65x) - this can to do manual with cbrom ( rom.by/Award/patcher/cbrom.rar ) and microcodes-file ( rom.by/Award/patcher/real_microcodes.rar ) or use last alpha-version of patcher (6a10).
//but alpha-version is dangerous - advanced qualification is required!//
DanZer: I could not find pupdt.exe on the Internet. Do you know where can I find it?
apple_rom: I tried adding the processor microcodes but once more it didn't work
I used cbrom p6kfa22.bin /cpucode cpub10a.bin. Is it O.K.?
cpub10a.bin I extracted from the BIOS of a newer Elitegroup board. It does have processors 650; 651 and 652. My Deschutes is a 652 if I am not mistaken.
Perhaps this page may be of interest:
It's about a Celeron, but I'm afraid it is the same problem I am having.
Well, since I'm far from an advanced qualification, I guess I'll have to wait for version 6 stable
Thank you again.
Enrique Baraibar
Read the article (sorry, but in Russian) and try to update micricodes by this way (first link is dead!!!)...
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Uhh, sorry. I used this method a long time ago and forgot some details. This utility is named CHECKUP6.EXE :oops:. You can get it here or from Intel website. Also, you can download microcodes separately and add them to BIOS the same way you did it before: cbrom p6kfa22.bin /cpucode pep.dat, where pep.dat can be replaced with the name of any other file with microcodes. Or you can simply use reall.cod (that came with patcher) instead
But I'm not sure - are there needed part in it or not.
Using checkup6.exe is adding support only for currently installed CPU. Adding all of them manually will give you opportunity to change CPU without going through all these things again. So, it's your choice - what way to follow.
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