Sasha D sorry :oops: Now

Sasha D

Don't make more confusion the S3TRIO.BIN is 64kb not 32kb.

sorry :oops: Now it's size is right (32kb).
But the local copy of file on my hard always was 32kb size...
All my dumped bioses are 64kb but after 32kb empty.

It is normal. Look at Rage6 and R7000 BIOSes. They have a lot of space at the end of file... So the code size is < 32kb
Can you send me ATI bios when you fix it to 64kb?

Thank you: I've received it. So now I can send you fixed copy...

PS: I took a look to file... I didn't see any pecularity - it is "regular" 64KB VideoBIOS... BTW, could you write here the marking of flash? If it looks like 27C512, then it means thah you have 64KB flash on videocard... And the dump must be the same size

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