Проблемы с Hight Point Raid controller'om HPT 370

Помогите решить проблему следующего рода. Имеется МП ABIT BX133-RAID с контролером HPT370 (UDMA100).
После заливки в БИОС МП одной из последних версии БИОСа HPT370 (v2.51) контроллер перестал обнаруживать на себе все CD/DVD приводы. На предыдущей версии БИОСа контролера (v2.31) такого не было. За родную версию БИОСа контролера я вообще молчу. Там приводы обнаруживались лишь в PIO режиме. HighPoint Technologies добавило очень много исправлений:

Readme file for HPT370/370A/372/372A/372N/302/302N ATA RAID Controller
BIOS & Device Drivers

Copyright (C) HighPoint Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last updated on Jan 5, 2004

Please review this file for important information about compatibility issues and
differences in operation that were discovered after our product manuals were
created. In case of conflict among various parts of the documentation set, this
file contains the most current information.

Note: The latest firmware and product documentation will be available for
download at highpoint-tech.com

This file is divided into the following major sections:

1. Software Version

2. Files Listing
3. Revision History
4. BIOS Update
5. Known Problems

1. Software Version

BIOS version: v2.351
Driver version: v2.351

Operating Systems:
Windows 98/ME
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003

Version Compatibility:
This BIOS/driver can be used with HighPoint RAID Management Software v2.32
or later.

2. Files Listing
Readme.txt This file
|_ load.exe BIOS loading utility
|_ 3xxv235.p4e HPT370/370A/372/372N(DID4) controller BIOS
|_ 3xxv235.p5e HPT372A/372N(DID5) controller BIOS
_ 3xxv235.p6e HPT302/302N controller BIOS
win98_me Windows 98/ME driver
|_ hpt3xx.inf
|_ hpt3xx.mpd
|_ hptpwr.vxd
_ hptwrap.vxd
win_nt Windows NT 4.0 driver
|_ hpt3xx.inf
|_ hpt3xx4.inf
|_ hpt3xx6.inf
_ hpt3xx.sys
win_2k Windows 2000 driver
|_ hpt3xx.inf
|_ hpt3xx.cat
|_ hpt3xx.sys
_ hptpro.sys
win_xp Windows XP driver
|_ hpt3xx.inf
|_ hpt3xx.cat
|_ hpt3xx.sys
_ hptpro.sys
win_2003 Windows 2003 driver
|_ hpt3xx.inf
|_ hpt3xx.cat
|_ hpt3xx.sys
_ hptpro.sys
disk1 Driver disk label
txtsetup.oem Windows NT/2k/XP setup file

3. Revision History

v2.351 01/05/2004
* Add "use private stack" option in BIOS (to fix DOS6.22 booting fail)
* Fix 66M PCI support

v2.35 08/04/2003
* Add 302/302N support

v2.345 05/09/2003
* Fix compatibility issue with Intel SATA RAID BIOS
* Fix Windows "LDM configuration disk write error"

v2.344 04/11/2003
* Fix clock calculation
* Fix driver compatibility issue on SOYO SY-P4IP mainboard

v2.342 03/24/2003
* Fix HPT370A timing
* Add RAID 1.5 support

v2.34 10/17/2002
* Add HPT372N controller support
* Fix hptpro.sys compatibility issue with NIS2003 on FAT partition

v2.33 09/17/2002
* Fix 48bit LBA compatibility
* Add RocketMate support

v2.32 07/01/2002
* Fix 48bit LBA formatting issue
* Fix hptpro.sys problem on Windows XP system restore and sparse files
* use PMM to allocate BIOS memory
* Disable BIOS EBDA reallocation by default

v2.31 01/09/2002
* Performance improved
* Fix BIOS compatibility issue with Adaptec SCSI
* Fix Seagate Barracuda III and IV mode to ATA100
* Show capacity by 1G=1,000,000,000 Bytes
* Fix BIOS bug "drive capacity incorrect after deleting a broken array"

v2.3 12/20/2001
* Add support for stripe size 128K-2M
* Support multi controller
* Modify driver for HPT370/370A compatibility
* Fix reading ATA/133 disk error when PCI clock is lower than 33MHz
* Fix compatibility problem with Intel IAA driver under Windows ME
* Fix BIOS compatibility issue with MSI845 mainboard

v2.2 12/08/2001

* Performance improved
* Fix GUI re-open bug when rebuilding an array

v2.1 11/15/2001

* Add 48bit LBA (Big Drive) support
* Fix BIOS display problem on S3 display adapter
* Fix BIOS BBS support
* Fix Windows ME hibernating problem

4. BIOS Update

To update BIOS for onboard HPT3xx controller, please refer to your
mainboard manual or contact the hardware vendor for updating BIOS.

To update BIOS for HPT3xx adapter, you can use HighPoint BIOS loading

* Notes for BIOS update from v2.0.xxxx on adapters with auto-load enabled

If your HPT370/370A adapter has auto-load feature enabled, PCI configuration
header may change after you update BIOS. This will cause Windows 2000/XP
unable to boot from the controller. To avoid this problem, you must use load
utility v2.1.12.22 or later and specify the following parameters to update
load bios372.231 /e 408=1800003,42c=51103

5. Known Problems

* Install OS to devices attached to HPT3xx controller

Before installing OS to devices attached to HPT3xx controller, you must
remove the drives connected to other controllers from your system temporarily.
After OS installation complete, you can put them back.

* Windows XP upgrade installation

When doing an upgrade installation of Windows XP (before Service Pack 1)
with HPT3xx controller, Windows XP will use HPT370 driver in its
driver package and prevent user to specify a new driver. To solve this
problem you can do the upgrade as below:

1. Run XP upgrade program in a running system.
2. When setup finished copying files and ask reboot, DO NOT reboot.
3. Open WinXP temporary installation folder ($WIN_NT$.~BT) and search for
txtsetup.sif file.
4. Open txtsetup.sif with Notepad, remove the line "hpt3xx=hpt3xx.sys,4"
under section [scsi.load] by adding a semicolon before that line.
5. Save the file and reboot.
6. Start XP setup as normal. When setup prompt "Press F6 to add SCSI driver",
press F6 and specify the new driver to be loaded.
7. During text-mode setup, Windows XP may still copy the built-in HPT370 driver
to the final Windows installation's System32Drivers directory. To use the
new driver, you must replace the old one before you continue into graphic-mode
setup. This can be done by booting from a DOS floppy if you are using FAT
or FAT32 file system; if you use NTFS file system, you have to use some
other method to replace the built-in driver.

There are more information about this issue on Microsoft support site:

* Install HPT370/370A controller on an existing Windows XP system

When installing HPT370/370A controller on an existing Windows XP system,
Windows XP may try to install its HPT370 driver first; this may cause
system hang when you are using new features the driver don't support.
To avoid this problem, you shall update the driver first with no drives
attached to HPT370/370A controller, shutdown the system, attach the
drives, then start the system again.

* Compatibility issue with Adaptec SCSI adapter

If you encounter compatibility problems when you use HPT3xx controller
together with Adaptec SCSI adapter, please try to disable EBDA reallocation
in Adaptec SCSI BIOS, or enable "EBDA reallocation" in HPT3xx BIOS.
You can use BIOS loading utility v2.2.07.01 or later to enable this
feature (e.g. "load /c bios372.232").

* Moving disks to other IDE controllers

When you want to use disks previously attached to HPT370/370A/372 controller on
other IDE controllers, please first delete any array information on the
disks. Otherwise your data may be lost when you want to put it back later.

* Rescanning disks

There is a limitation for the refresh function in RAID Management Software.
If you remove a disk from the controller but the software does not notice this
event, it is also unable to notice the event when you plug another disk back
to that location. You must force a refresh action before changing the disk.

* Problem on two disks with same signature under Windows 98/ME

If you break a RAID 1 array into two single disks without destroying data and
use both of them under Windows 98/ME, Windows will behave abnormally since
there are two volumes with same Windows signature. To solve the problem, boot
into MS-DOS mode and run "fdisk /mbr".

И тем более на версии БИОСа контролера 2.31 приводы висели на UDMA66. Может Это разработчики подправили в новой версии.

Еще один вопрос с этим контролером возникает при установке ОС (Windows XP). Даже при подсовывании драйверов при инсталяции системы (F6), ОСь находит драйвера на дискете, но при установке их возникает проблема. ОСь не принимает их и выходит с установки.
Эта проблема описана в этом офф логе, если знание моего английского меня не подводит. Не так ли?

Возможно ли заменить HPT370 HPT372 чипом? Ведь драйвера у них одинаковые, а БИОС, думаю, несущественно отличается.
Вопрос актуален, ибо на очереди у меня МП так же от ABITa с тем же контролером.

Заранее благодарен!

P.S. Почему тег [more] + [/more] не работает?

Аватар пользователя Khaker

После заливки в БИОС МП одной из последних версии БИОСа HPT370 (v2.51) контроллер перестал обнаруживать на себе все CD/DVD приводы. На предыдущей версии БИОСа контролера (v2.31) такого не было. За родную версию БИОСа контролера я вообще молчу. Там приводы обнаруживались лишь в PIO режиме.

Нашел ответ на этот вопрос на офф сайте: highpoint-tech.com/USA/faq_rr100_q1.htm

Question: Could I connect CDROM or CDRW to the HPT370/372 IDE controller?
The 1.11.0512 version driver of HPT370 card and later version driver will no longer support ATAPI devices. The 1.11.0402 version BIOS of HPT370 card and later version BIOS will no longer support ATAPI devices. All other P-ATA HPT controller will not support ATAPI device.

Остаётся еще вышеперечисленные вопросы.

Я не Мастер, я только учусь...
Suum Cuique

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