My PC mainboard: VIA Apollo Pro133A
04/01/2004-694X-686B-6A6LJPRAC-00 (After used bp 6_a10)
I want to hava a BIOS with
1、A good ACPI (always wrong in WinXP/Win2003 ACPI)
2、Can use usb flash disk boot system
3、Can use 160G HDD
Can you tell me what can I do ?
1. No power off? ACPI in bios setup enable before install winXP?
2. I assume, that cannot in any way.
3. Use space accessible bios (example 8G) for install winXP, after install use "diskmgmt.msc".
В кривых руках и коврик глючит.
3) Possible use Disk Manager - s/w that is placed in MBR replacing BIOS HDD routines. Possible trouble - need of re-installing Disk Manager if Windows rewrite MBR during install. I don't know the maximum supported capacity (can it support LBA48 or not), but you may try it.
Уважаемые коллеги, в переписке с нашими англоязычными партнерами помните: whether - который, weather - погода, wether - кастрированый баран!
У некоторых людей торс - это просто разветвитель, позволяющий подключить руки и голову к заднице.
1、Before install WinXp close ACPI,and open APM in WinXp
2、In any way now
3、I used a HPT370A IDE ATA 100 RAID Controller to boot 160G HDD as a SCSI DISK
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