Emulate BIOS

Hello guys,

Its me again!

ive been making some changes in some BIOS but would like to see the effects it has. However I do not have the motherboards to try them on

can I Emulate a BIOS in a windows or DOS enviroment via a Virtual Machine ?

Ideas please


Аватар пользователя Compiller

If you want to test CMOS BIOS Setup in Award BIOS then you must use BiosView Utility. In other case you may emulate only bios for Intel 815 motherboard.

Дрессируем коров :)

It's a good question, I asked something like that here forum.rom.by/topic14432-50.html

The emulator from Strelets is fine, but for 815 platform yet, will be looking for further release.
You can also try to use _bochs_ VM, I only hear about it, but not tryed.

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