Bios update for Cyrix Motherboard

I am looking for cyrix CX5520 mother board bios update.Is it possible to patch with bios patcher.

Аватар пользователя DanZer

If it has AWARD or AMI BIOS - you have a good chance that it can be successfully patched. Otherwise - sorry, you are out of luck, because AFAIK there were NO updates for MediaGX motherboards.

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Аватар пользователя max3

Just becouse of curiousity -what is the motherboard manufacturer / bios version (ID)right now ?

Award Bios V4.51PG

5520 Bios


Аватар пользователя savely

Seems to be QDI P5C5520GXM... But don't know this MB.

А кому счас легко...

Аватар пользователя max3

According to main sources ,yes, its QDI, however many (and will stress on Many) chineese websites identify it as HOOVER (Lenovo), i did some research but did not find any useful info.
Is it possible to have a look on the picture of the motherboard and/or may be there are some other numbers/words printed on board/pcb or anywhere else?

В соответствии с основными источниками,да QDI, а вот китайцы говорят ето HOOVER(LENOVO)

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